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JANUARY 16, 2025
7 pm EST
What about Evil and Suffering? How Could a Good God allow this?
Dr. REBECCA McLAUGHLIN, PhD Cambridge University, Speaker, and Author of several books, including Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion
Our world is a place of beauty and love—but also of pain, suffering, and death. Even if you haven’t experienced evil and suffering, you know someone who has or see it in the news. If there is an all-powerful God who could change things, and if he’s an all-loving being, why doesn’t he stop evil? If God exists, wouldn’t he create a perfect world where everyone was happy? Does this issue expose a logical contradiction in the Christian faith (as well as other faith traditions that believe in God)? How do we reconcile the existence of evil and suffering with the existence of God?
JANUARY 21, 2025
7 pm EST
Science and Faith - Friends or Foes? - A Look at Origins, Evolution and the Creation story of the Bible
Dr. Tom Rudelius, professor of physics at Durham University in England. His research focuses on string theory, quantum field theory, and early universe cosmology. He has a blog on science and faith called Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae
Many people have difficulty reconciling modern science with the Christian faith - especially the Biblical account of cosmology and human origins. In this talk, we'll discuss how God, the Bible, creation, and evolution can fit together...and why atheism and science are less compatible than they might seem.
JANUARY 23, 2025
7 pm EST
How can there be one true religion? Isn’t Christianity’s Exclusive and Intolerant in it’s claim to be on the only way to God?
Abdu Murray - author, speaker, and lawyer, Juris Doctor from University of Michigan Law School, Author of a recently released book entitled, “More Than a White Man’s Religion”
A crowd favorite last year, Abdu is back this year, to help us wrestle with how (or if) there can just be one way to God. Christianity, as well as several other religions, claim to be only way to God. How do we approach this exclusive truth claim? Isn’t it intolerant, and even unkind, to hold this view? What about all the other religion in the world that also make truth claims? Abdu brings his own lived experience into this question as one who was a committed Muslim for many year, but later in live became a follower of Jesus.
JANUARY 28, 2025
Why I’m Not an Atheist? How an MIT Grad Student has Made Sense of God in his Pursuit of Science
Sam Detmer - Sam is a fourth-year PhD student at MIT in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Research focus - the development of more robust and deliverable siRNA and mRNA therapeutics. Sam received a Bachelors (in Chemistry and Physics) and Masters (in Physics) from Harvard before starting his PhD at MIT.
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MARCH 2025
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