JANUARY 18, 2024

7 pm EST

Why Should I care? Does God/Christianity Really Matter? Why should I Believe?

Alycia Wood, Speaker and Thought Leader with Apologetics, Inc.

For many the topic of God or Christianity is simply something to roll our eyes at. We can often find ourselves saying things like:

Does it really matter if someone believes in God or not? And what is so unique about Christianity? All that matters is that you a good person. If you want to believe in God, go for it, if it works for you. Besides, there isn’t enough proof. I can be a good person without God!”

But what if agnosticism and apathy towards God require even more faith and might have it’s own set of questions to answer? Could there be something to the Christian faith that might surprise us?


JANUARY 23, 2024

7 pm EST

Is God Dead? Evidence for God in an Age of Uncertainty

Dr. Rice Broocks (PhD in Theology) and Dr. Brian Miller (PhD in Physics and MIT alumni)

You won’t want to miss this night! Dr. Rice and Dr. Miller will present 4 points of evidence (from Science, philosphy and history) that the existence of God is rational and reasonable. Are science and faith capatable? How do recent discoveries in science point support the hypothesis that there is a God? What about our human experience and history points us to God? Come and consider the evidence. Bring your disagreements and questions, as well, for the Q and A time.


JANUARY 25, 2024

7 pm EST

Can the Bible Speak Today?: Roots, Reliability, and Relevance

Dr. Sean McDonough, New Testament Professor, Gordon Conwell Seminary. Doctorate in New Testament from the University of St. Andrews, Masters of Divinity and Masters of Theology from Gordon Conwell Seminary and B.A in History from Harvard.

In our modern age we tend to cut ourselves off from the past and want to create our world and ourselves from scratch. So why listen to what the Bible says?  
The Bible is the most read book of all time, translated into thousands of languages, and has stood the test of time. Even so, how could such an old book be trustworthy and reliable?  So much of what Christians claim is truth is based on what is said in the Bible.  But what if it was changed or mistranslated?  Or even if it is accurate and reliable, is it relevant to our modern day?  Not only is Dr. McDonough a brilliant teacher and scholar, you will also enjoy his fun and light hearted personality. Come bring your questions about the Bible!  


JANUARY 30, 2024


Is Christianity Dangerous and Delusional?

Abdu Murray - author, speaker, and lawyer, Juris Doctor from University of Michigan Law School, Author of a recently released book entitled, “More Than a White Man’s Religion

Christianity has some hard questions that must be asked and answered about it. Regardless of whether or not the Christian faith is true, is it good for the world? Or is it actually dangerous?  Isn't it anti-women, pro-slavery, anti-diverstiy?  What about how Christians have been tied to evils done in the past?  Is its exclusive claim to truth just a power play? How can one say that Christianity is the only way to God in a world where tolerance and acceptance are important virtues?  How does one consider Christianity viable (and good for the world) in light of the baggage and hypocrisy associated with its followers?   

Our guest speaker is no stranger to religion. He grew up as a devout Muslim, but later in life, through many years of investigation, became a Christian. He is also very aware of the bad things done in the name of religion and in the name of Christianity, specifically.

You won’t want to miss hearing from Abdu. He is a brilliant thinker and communicator and loves diving into the hardest questions that challenge belief in God and Christianity. He is also very humble and genuine.


Future Events

Date TBA
MARCH 2024



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